Леонид и Ирина Сологубы
Рисуноки Леонида Романовича Сологуба, подаренные Ириной Леонидовной Сологуб Евгению и Марине Черносвитовым. Париж, 1990 г.
(Копии картин Сологуб, находятся у Жака Ширака).
Ирина Леонидовна с первым президентом России в Париже.
Подарок Ирины Леонидовны Сологуб музею «Бородино».
Подвижничество во имя России («Русский Вестник» №2 1994 год.)
Художник, его дочь и вилла на Капри («Кто есть Кто» №1 (15) 1994 год)
-------- Пересылаемое сообщение --------
22.04.09, 15:58, "Katarina Markovic - Familytree" <??????@familytree.hu>:
Dear Mrs. Chernosvitov,
My name is Katarina Markovic and I am writing to You from the
International Genealogical Bureau from Budapest, Hungary in a hope that
You might be able to help me.
I am sorry for writing in English, but my Russian is not good enough,
but if You wish me to, I will translate this letter into the Russian
We have received an official request to find lost family members and
relatives of* Irina Leonidovna Sologub.*
Her father was the famous artist, painter and architect:
*Leonid Romanovich Sologub* 28.04.1884, Yeysk, Russia – 17.07.1956, The
Hague, The Netherlands
Her mother was: *Anna N. Krasilshikova*
Irina was born on 25.11.1919 in Novorossiysk, Russia, and she died in
2007 in Paris, France.
I am sure You know about her, as I have read the article on the Internet
which was written by You.
/(Опубликовано в газете «Русский Вестник» №2 1994 год. Подвижничество во
имя России Леонид Романович Сологуб)/
Your article was really good and very informative!
We are looking for her family
and it is not an easy task, as her family
might be anywhere and plus the family name Sologub is a common name.
However, I believe that maybe You could assist me in finding some traces
that could lead to Irina's cousins.
If there are any additional details regarding the article, which did not
appear in it, please, could You share them with me?
Do You maybe know, whether there ever opened a museum in honor of Leonid
Romanovich Sologub in Krasnodar, Russia?
I know Irina really wanted to have one for her father!
Is there anything You know more about Irina's family or her background?
Do You maybe know anyone in Krasnodar or Yeysk, who could be of help?
If in any way You can help me, I would be very thankful, as every
information is precious to me.
Please write me to: ??????@familytree.hu <mailto:???????@familytree.hu>
And feel free to write me in Russian and if You have any questions, do
not hesitate to ask me.
In a hope to hear from You soon.
Best regards,
Katarina Markovic
Family Tree Ltd.
-------- Завершение пересылаемого сообщения --------
----- Original Message -----
From: "Eugene Chernosvitov" <chernosv@deol.ru>
To: "Katarina Markovic - Familytree" <??????@familytree.hu>
Sent: Tuesday, April 25, 2009
Subject: Sologub
Katarina Markovic!
Leonidovna Sologub have not relatives, exept us her intimate friends - me
and my >husband Eugeney. She, when can, telefoned us
from Paris every night.
>Alas, we
can not help Irena Sologub with museum her father Leonid Romanovic, as Moscow, >as Krasnodar for objectiv reasons:very strong
resistans mighty officials!
for letter. Regards from Eugeney.
receiving this letter. Marina Chernosvitova.
----- Original Message -----
From: "Eugene Chernosvitov" <chernosv@deol.ru>
To: "Katarina Markovic - Familytree" <??????@familytree.hu>
Sent: Tuesday, April 28, 2009 1:17 AM
Subject: Re: Sologub Irina Leonidovna
> Dear Katarina Markovic,
> We propose to organize a Fund of “R. and I. Sologub”, for opening an
> R.L.Sologub’s museum in Russia.
> Precedents:
> Benois’s Fund
> Onassis’s Fund
> Marina and Eugeney Chernosvitov
> P.S. Please acknowledge the receipt of our previous letter and this
----- Original Message -----
From: "Eugene Chernosvitov" <chernosv@deol.ru>
To: probate@familytree.hu
Sent: Tuesday, April 28, 2009 1:21 AM
Subject: Re: Sologub Irina Leonidovna
To Familytree -- Budapest, Hungary
We sent two
letters to Your colleague -- Katarina Markovic and haven’t received the
answers. We transmit that letters to You, please acknowledge the receipt of
Best regards,
Marina and Eugeney